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The extent of the climate crisis is becoming plainer by the month.
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Simon Ricketts on Simonicity blogIt has been busy in the planning world...
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Victoria McKeegan, Susannah Herbert & Chris TodmanDouble-digit inflation. Can’t take the train to the job, there’s a strike at the station.
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Simon Ricketts on Simonicity blogEminent Domain and Compulsory Purchase – law and practice
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Raj GuptaI never thought I would live to see a chief executive of Marks and Spencer plc (Marks and Spencer plc!) issue a statement such as this...
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Simon Ricketts on Simonicity blogThe question as to “what is the project?” for the purposes of environmental impact assessment has been arising a lot since R (Ashchurch Rural Parish Council) v Tewkesbury Borough Council...
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Simon Ricketts on Simonicity blogThe Court of Appeal has upheld Holgate J’s decision to quash an Inspector’s grant of...
Anjoli Foster, Landmark ChambersCommuting into Euston for over twenty years, experiencing increasing frustration: at the past we have lost; the future that we are losing, and at the tatty and graceless perma-temp arrangement we have today.
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Simon Ricketts on Simonicity blogCG Fry v Secretary of State (Sir Ross Cranston, 30 June 2023) is a difficult case with a perhaps unsurprising answer, although one that is disappointing to many.
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Simon Ricketts on Simonicity blogThis site uses cookies to keep our site secure and provide our users with the best possible experience. For more information, click here.