Case Reference: APP/D1265/W/24/3348224
Decision date: 18 March 2025
Site address: Knoll House Hotel Ferry Road Studland Dorset BH19 3AH
Case Link: Click here
Local Authority: Dorset Council
Case Summary: The development proposed is the redevelopment of the existing hotel to provide new tourist accommodation. This includes 30 hotel bedrooms, apartment and villa accommodation, and associated leisure and dining facilities.
Decision Outcome: Dismissed
Case Reference: APP/D0121/W/24/3343144
Decision date: 18 March 2025
Site address: Land at Rectory Farm (North), Chescombe Road Yatton BS49 4BZ
Case Link: Click here
Local Authority: North Somerset Council
Case Summary: The development proposed is an outline planning application for the development of up to 190 homes (including 50% affordable homes) to include flats and semi-detached, detached, and terraced houses with a maximum height of 3 storeys at an average density of no more than 20 dwellings per net acre, up to 500 sqm of Class E floorspace, allotments, car parking, earthworks to facilitate sustainable drainage systems, orchards, and open space comprising circa 70% of the gross area, including children’s play with a minimum of 1 LEAP and 2 LAPS, bio-diversity net gain of a minimum of 20% in habitat units and 40% in hedgerow units, and all other ancillary infrastructure and enabling works with means of access from Shiners Elms for consideration. All other matters (means of access from Chescombe Road, internal access, layout, appearance and landscaping) reserved for subsequent approval.
Decision Outcome: Allowed
Case Reference: APP/U2235/W/24/3351435
Decision date: 20 March 2025
Site address: Land at Moat Road Headcorn Maidstone TN27 9NT
Case Link: Click here
Local Authority: Maidstone Borough Council
Case Summary: The development proposed is described as: Outline application (with all matters reserved except access) for the development of up to 115 no. dwellings (Use Class C3) with 40% affordable housing including demolition of existing buildings, new means of access into the site from Moat Road (not internal roads), short diversion to the public right of way (KH590), associated highway works, provision of public open space, provision of shelter to replace curtilage listed building, emergency/pedestrian access to Mill Bank, and associated infrastructure including surface water drainage (with related off-site s278 highway works to Moat Road).
Decision Outcome: Allowed